Saturday, 1 September 2012

I've taken the spare engine onto the bench

Alright, I've taken the spare engine onto the bench to see what kind of shape it's in.  There is no oil in it, a little bit of very dirty oil in the filter casing. 

I found the access to the crank via the little cover over the oil filter housing.  I gave it a turn and it moved freely, good news, it's not seized.

Credit goes out again to Mr. Double J for getting the crossover pipe free of the front pipes.  After I heated it with a blow torch and whacked the hell out of it.  I could only get  one of them off.  I took the thing to work and Mr. Double J went at it with stubborn determination.  In the vice it went, then it got a treatment of oxcy torch, the the impact hammer, then more heat ( this time to a nice red) then he reamed on it for all the was worth.  Just when I thought his face couldn't get any redder it gave up and out it came.

I also media blasted the H pipe and gave is a coat of primer.  I want to keep the crossover somehow, I will have to figure out how later.

The vinyl was removed from the seat and although the edges of the foam are crumbly most of it looks like I can reuse it.  This is what the naked seat pan looks like on the bike.

The little bit of corrosion at the edge is no big deal, that will be cut off.  I have to figure out how to fasten the new vinyl to the new edges of the seat pan.  The stock edges have little teeth to grip the vinyl but I'll have to do something when those are cut away with the edges.  Anyone have any ideas?

I took the front brake off.  Master cylinder and caliper came off without a hitch. 

I've finally got the headlight bucket off, this took a lot of patience.  I'm still left with a mess up front though.  I hope I can get this back together...somehow.

So lets tally up the cost so far:

$250 for the two bikes, spare engine and two spare carbs.
$80   for taxes and title transfer.
$28   for used gas cap, the deluxe tank didn't have one.
$2.58 for a new gasket / o-ring for the gas cap.

$360.58 so far.  I won't include the tools I buy or most of the chemicals I use.  I will count the paint and the cost of the stuff I use for inside the gas tank.

Enough for today.  Tomorrow Mr. R and I go riding. 

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